Jun 26 – 27, 2024
Canada/Eastern timezone

The Search for 0nbb with nEXO

Not scheduled
Fraser Duncan Auditorium (SNOLAB)

Fraser Duncan Auditorium


Creighton Mine #9 1039 Regional Road 24 Lively, ON P3Y 1N2


Dr Soud Al Kharusi (Stanford University)


The nEXO neutrinoless double beta decay experiment aims to detect a hypothetical decay mode in the isotope xenon-136.
A positive observation of this decay mode would serve as direct evidence for lepton number violation and confirm the Majorana nature of neutrinos, representing a breakthrough in physics beyond the Standard Model. Such an observation could also offer new pathways for understanding the mass generation mechanism of fermions, and potentially provide insights into the matter-antimatter asymmetry problem.

To increase the likelihood of observing neutrinoless double beta decay, nEXO requires stringent measures for background mitigation such as placing the experiment deep underground to shield it from cosmic rays. Despite these measures, the residual cosmic muon flux remains a concern.This talk will present an evaluation of the cosmogenic background rate in nEXO as well as the impact of these backgrounds on the experiment's sensitivity to neutrinoless double beta decay.

Primary author

Dr Soud Al Kharusi (Stanford University)

Presentation materials

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