SNOLAB is located on the traditional territory of the Robinson-Huron Treaty of 1850, shared by the Indigenous people of the surrounding Atikameksheng Anishnawbek First Nation as part of the larger Anishinabek Nation. We acknowledge those who came before us and honor those who are the caretakers of this land and the waters.
SNOLAB is Canada’s deep underground research laboratory, located in Vale’s Creighton mine near Sudbury, Ontario Canada.
It provides an ideal low background environment for the study of extremely rare physical interactions. SNOLAB’s science program focuses on astroparticle physics, specifically neutrino and dark matter studies, though its unique location is also well-suited to biology and geology experiments. SNOLAB facilitates world-class research, trains highly qualified personnel, and inspires the next generation of scientists.
At 2km, SNOLAB is the deepest cleanest lab in the world. It is an expansion of the facilities constructed for the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) solar neutrino experiment and has 5,000 m2 of clean space underground for experiments and supporting infrastructure. A staff of over 100 support the science, providing business processes, engineering design, construction, installation, technical support, and operations. SNOLAB research scientists provide expert and local support to the experiments and undertake research in their own right as members of experimental collaborations.
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Photograph by Gerry Kingsley