February 8, 2024
Canada/Eastern timezone

SEF Survey

SNOLAB Experiment Forum - Biannual Collaboration Survey

Attached below is the link for our biannual collaboration satisfaction survey. Please note that this important feedback is a requirement of the Canada Foundation for Innovation, a primary sponsor of SNOLAB. 

Please discuss the survey with the appropriate group within your collaboration before officially submitting through the link below. We take this survey as a primary feedback mechanism for our researchers.We expect a single response from your collaborations to represent the consensus of the entire collaboration. Also, please use the questions with text fields to give more specific feedback to SNOLAB.

We will respond to suggestions and comments during the SNOLAB Experiment Forum (SEF) that is held biannually. As such, we ask that you fill the survey before the SEF meeting, so we can incorporate your responses. This year we are asking you to complete the survey by Monday, February 5, 2024. 

To submit your collaboration’s response, visit the website: https://snolab.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cu23n2EuJwB2n1Y.

Please contact me if you have questions about this survey.


A black background with a few letters

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Dr. Stephen Sekula 

Manager of the Research Group