Site Access
SNOLAB is located on Vale Creighton (an active mine site) and access requires prior approval. Ensure you follow all signage posted on the property and the instructions from site personnel. Questions can be directed to your site contact.
Visitors to SNOLAB must park at the main Vale Creighton Mine lot. The entrance is on your left-hand side as you drive in before the security gate.
Signing in
All Visitors coming to SNOLAB must stop at the Vale Security Office and sign-in to the Vale Surface Visitor Logbook and obtain a visitor badge. You must enter through the turnstiles and must not bypass them. Your site contact will assist with access to site.
Walking from Vale Parking Lot to SNOLAB
After you park, pass through the site access turnstiles, and sign-in at Vale Security Office, you will proceed to SNOLAB by following the SNOLAB Pedestrian Traffic signs and with your designated site contact.

For more information:
SNOLAB Senior Education and Outreach Officer
705-692-7000 x 2806
SNOLAB website:
Travel Directions to SNOLAB from Sudbury:
- Long Lake road - exit right at the HWY 17 WEST exit
- Follow the (Hwy 17 WEST) toward Sault Ste. Marie
- Exit at Hwy 55 West - Lively (at the overpass)
- Go through 1 set of lights
- Turn right onto Regional Road 24 - Lively
- You will travel through Walden and Lively (5.3km)
- Turn right on the ramp at the Creighton Mine sign (McNaughton St.)
- Follow the road for approximately 3km
- Park in the main Creighton Parking lot. The entrance is located on your left-hand side.
OBEY all speed limits and road signs while on Vale property.