May 13 – 14, 2025
Canada/Eastern timezone

This year’s conference will be hosted by SNOLAB in Sudbury, Ontario on May 13th, 2025, and offer both in-person and virtual attendance. A tour of the SNOLAB underground facility will be offered for those interested on May 14, 2025.  Pre-registration for this tour will be required.

The conference will also include a panel discussion on the role of digital tools and adoption in enhancing R&D communication!

Please Note: Only our plenary session presentations and panel discussion from Day 1 will be held virtually, as well as in person.

Break out sessions, poster sessions, on-site tours and closing remarks from Day 2 will only be available for our in-person attendees. 

The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.